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$2,549,0003 Beds, 2 Baths1,411 sqft lot 4,356 sqftListed with Beachfront RealtyMLS 733335392 Days on Market
$2,549,0003 Beds, 2 Baths1,411 sqft lot 4,356 sqftMLS 225004372 Days on Market
2 Beds, 2 Baths1,320 sqftMLS 225004333 Days on Market
1 Bed, 1 Bath454 sqft lot 5,228 sqftListed with Gibson Sotheby's International RealtyMLS 733330555 Days on Market
1 Bed, 1 Bath454 sqft lot 5,228 sqftMLS 225004005 Days on Market
1 Bed, 1 Bath667 sqftListed with Gibson Sotheby's International RealtyMLS 733322385 Days on Market
$2,086,0002 Beds, 3 Baths2,086 sqft lot 2,614 sqftListed with Kinlin Grover CompassMLS 733321515 Days on Market
1 Bed, 1 Bath667 sqft lot 6,099 sqftMLS 225003776 Days on Market
$4,200,0003 Beds, 4 Baths3,318 sqft lot 16,553 sqftListed with Kinlin Grover CompassMLS 733318356 Days on Market
Price Drop1 Bed, 1 Bath876 sqft lot 5,228 sqftMLS 225003449 Days on Market
2 Beds, 1 Bath700 sqft lot 1.65 acListed with Gibson Sotheby's International RealtyMLS 7333095210 Days on Market
2 Beds, 1 Bath700 sqft lot 1.65 acMLS 2250032910 Days on Market
1 Bed, 2 Baths606 sqft lot 24,830 sqftMLS 2250032410 Days on Market
$2,345,0003 Beds, 3 Baths1,364 sqftListed with Gibson Sotheby's International RealtyMLS 7333068511 Days on Market
$2,450,0003 Beds, 3 Baths1,743 sqft lot 6,534 sqftListed with Kinlin Grover CompassMLS 7333056611 Days on Market
$1,095,0001 Bed, 1 Bath456 sqft lot 3,485 sqftListed with Gibson Sotheby's International RealtyMLS 7333034011 Days on Market
$1,095,0001 Bed, 1 Bath456 sqft lot 3,485 sqftMLS 2250031211 Days on Market
0 Beds, 0 Bathlot 17,860 sqftMLS 2250025217 Days on Market
0 Beds, 0 BathListed with Kinlin Grover CompassMLS 7332881417 Days on Market
$19,500,00021,565 sqft lot 4.20 acMLS 2250023818 Days on Market
6,148 sqft lot 3,921 sqftMLS 2250023319 Days on Market
$2,279,0002 Beds, 3 Baths1,316 sqft lot 4,356 sqftListed with Kinlin Grover CompassMLS 7332792019 Days on Market
$2,279,0002 Beds, 3 Baths1,360 sqft lot 4,356 sqftMLS 2250022619 Days on Market
424 sqft lot 4,356 sqftMLS 2250022119 Days on Market
$19,500,000lot 4.20 acListed with Gibson Sotheby's International RealtyMLS 7332867820 Days on Market
$1,575,0002 Beds, 2 Baths945 sqft lot 5.17 acListed with Gibson Sotheby's International RealtyMLS 7332750622 Days on Market
$1,575,0002 Beds, 2 Baths945 sqft lot 5.17 acMLS 2250019822 Days on Market
$1,400,0001,082 sqft lot 3,485 sqftMLS 2250019722 Days on Market
$1,695,0002 Beds, 3 Baths1,638 sqft lot 31,364 sqftListed with Gibson Sotheby's International RealtyMLS 7332706824 Days on Market
$1,350,0002 Beds, 2 Baths1,404 sqftListed with Coldwell Banker RealtyMLS 7332609226 Days on Market
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